In a significant political move, Nasima Razmyar, deputy chairperson of the Social Democrats in Finland, has urged her party to allow individual members the...
In a landmark decision, Finnish lawmakers have passed a controversial law aimed at turning away migrants attempting to enter Finland from Russia. This bold...
Identifying some of the critical elements of the proposal of the feasibility study.Consequences of Implementing Strategies on the Employers and EmployeesGovernment's JustificationNext Steps
A major...
However, Finland has defied the trend in the latest EU elections, which would have traditionally indicated the increased support for radical right-wing parties in...
Helsinki, June 10, 2024 - Large scale political change is coming to Finland for the upcoming EU parliamentary elections through a massive overhaul of...
Table of ContentsLaajat Tarkastukset ja LöydöksetVerorikkomusten Yleisimmät MuodotVerohallinnon ToimenpiteetVaikutukset Ravintola-alaanAsiakkaiden LuottamusTulevaisuuden NäkymätYhteenveto
Kebab- ja pizzeriaravintoloiden toiminnassa Suomen Verohallinto on tuonut ilmi huomattavia epäkohtia. Monet näistä...
Kokoomus Johtaa EurovaalimittauksessaSDP ja Perussuomalaiset Kolme PaikkaaKeskusta ja Vasemmistoliitto Kahdella PaikallaVihreAhvenanmaan Äänet ja RKP:nNäin Eurovaalien Kannatuskysely TehtiinPuNäin Eduskuntavaalien Kannatuskysely suoritettiinYlenYhteenveto
Ylen tuore eurovaalimittaus paljastaa merkittäviä...
Table of ContentsBankruptcy DetailsImpact on the MarketIndustry ChallengesFuture of Micromobility in FinlandConclusion
In a recent rather unbelievable development, one of the leading electric scooter rental...
Table of ContentsKey Topics on the AgendaEngaging with Finnish LeadershipStrengthening NATO-Finland RelationsConclusion
The kick-off of a two-day highly charged NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg who...